January 12, 2006


i had a bad day to begin with.
semalam start demam & still tak ok lagi hari ni.
it was so cold in the morning but whenever i switch off the fan Tica would sweat. This lil' girl memang tau! tak reti sejuk.

Pagi ni dia tak bangun that early as she used too mungkin sebab smlm dia tidur lewat sikit.
But she was all smiling when i stepped out from the bathroom. Soooooo adorable. it kills all the paint to see her sweet toothless grin.

But now i'm always worried thinking that i might hempap her masa tidur. Everytime aku terjaga dari tidur, kelam kabut cari dia. And this lil' girl of mine, memang lasak. Each and evrytime aku bangun mesti kena angkat dan alihkan dia kebantal. Her head would always end up terpusing kat pinggang aku.

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