January 20, 2006

dah balik..

aku masih pening lalat lagi ari nie.
the 2 days outstation was tiring..
first experience of taking arissa along..
wud be my last i think..

it was such a nightmare OK...
dia menangis all night long..... sampai pukul 5.00 pagi dok menangis lagi.. and im supposed to be in court at 9.00am...

i cant really remember pukul berapa dia tertido... i was so tired...
bangun pagi kesian pulak nak tinggalkan dia...
but i have to la... lepas brekafast etc aku amik cab untuk ke court.

everything was Ok je at court.. the matter went for full trial. we have witness from kementerian.. i cross him this and that... lebih kurang je..
during lunch break i rushed back to the hotel room..
kesian tgk daddy tgh suapkan ica her gerber fruit for lunch.
so i bath her lebih kurang and we had lunch.

pastu balik ke court and sambung sampai about 3.30.. yeaaahaa!!!
mlm jalan2 lebih kurang..

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