January 6, 2006

and she loves me..

My new love, Arissa is going to be 4months next week. She is one of the most wonderful gift He has given me, beside my wonderful first love.

Sometimes I felt so miserable thinking about Arissa whenever she is not by my side. So, it was always a "NO" for overnite request from her Mak Tok and Ucu.

There was one nite amongst the first few days i brought her back to our home after the confinement period where she could not stop crying. Her daddy was not around. I was so helpless (and useless!) that i didnt know what to do and i cried along. I called him and he was so smart that he went to pick her mum up. They came and they took her away from me.

It supposed to be my peaceful and undisturbed sleeping but it turned out to be the other way round. I couldnt sleep at all thinking of her; Especially the fact that she would cry for my breastmilk; and her gahhs and goooohs; and her toothless grin; and everything about her. She's such a "mengada manja" girl.

...Still a lil' one but i know she loves me very much.

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