January 27, 2006

bestest friend

this email brought tears to my dry eyes.

Date: Fri, 27 Jan 2006 00:23:07 -0800 (PST)
From: "As Ibrahim"
Subject: Re:
To: "Faizah Ahmad"

Hello dear......
it's been damn long since we last talk.tried calling
you thousands of times... (believe me)!!! got to know
bout ur lil' girl from ur hubby. terpaksa call dia
sebab susah benor nak get tru to u. comel giler anak
kau. geram aku tengok... rasa macam nak gigit pipi
aku sekarang ni set up business sendiri... im doin
events now.. coordinating events, supply sound,
lighting equipment 4 shows...etc. by the way, r u
still using ur old mobile no?
believe me "rindu" cannot define its true meaning when
it comes to "missing you". please keep in touch.
--- Faizah Ahmad <
faizahfaiz@yahoo.com> wrote:

whats up. long time no see.
u havent met my lil' girl.
u shud come over and kiss her... she's
soooooooooooooooo adorable...
just like the mother... eheheheh
by the way, kinda miss u..

lotsa lurve,
your so called Faiz.

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