May 13, 2008


I have tonnes of files to review;
I cant even find a space on my desk to land my arms;
and yet i received this email with the title :-

"Invitation to Attend Legislative Drafting"

I know that the SD had nominated my name, but i dont expect the course to last in 3 weeks time. What more that it'll be a full-day class on saturday. Thats so unfair. Not only to me. But to my family. To my girl especially. I had done long hours since last month. I wont be home until like 9pm.

I'm pissed off. Truely. Badly.

I really missed those days when i'm already home at 6, and even i got to work on alternate saturday, but that does not really affect anything since working saturday means long breakfast with colleagues and came 1 o'clock, i know that i will get to hold my daughter for another great day out again. sighs.

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