February 16, 2007

Reason to Smile

i received a letter...
it reads...

Dear Pn Faizah,


"In appreciation of your relentless efforts to the company, the Management is pleased to inform that your basic salary will be adjusted to RMXXXX per month with effect from 1st February 2007.
In addition, you will be entitled to the 2006 bonus amounting RMXXXX, representing XX month of your basic salary.

We look forward to your full commitement and concerted efforts for better performance results, improved efficiency in order to drive the Company to further growth this year and years to come.
Thank you.
Yours Sincerely,

.................. and i smile..

p/s to be continued


~aNNa~ said...

wah faizah. tahniah yer! ni kena open table la mcm ni tau

faiz said...

TQ anna,
jom la lunch sesama ..

...$weE+ 666... said...

congrats faiz!!! am hepi for u... btol kata mama irdina tu, mmg kena open table... hehehe...