February 15, 2007

a bless in disguise

thou its not a good sign to start a blog with a sad note, but nevermind, i have a happier note at the end.

i was so frustrated last nite when realized that we missed one back pack.. OMG!! masa balik tu we have like 1 very big box, 2 rucksacks, 3 backpacks and 2 traveling bags in cargo and i have my shopping bag and ica's diaper's bag with me on board... so memang kelam kabut..backpack yang tertinggal tu pulak happens tu be beg baju yang dah pakai.. byk gila baju dalam tu, mostly mine and ica's la ..... my undies pon banyak okey!!!!pagi ni call airport they have been passing my call around.. geram betul.. and now im calling the "international lost and found counter".. takde orang jawab pun...

on a happier note plak... pagi ni dapat bonus!!! alhamdulillah.. walaupun ciput but still sape nak bagi kan?? cant wait for tomorrow.. gaji masuk & hopefully ada increment for this year.. amin..

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