February 16, 2007

Reason to Smile

i received a letter...
it reads...

Dear Pn Faizah,


"In appreciation of your relentless efforts to the company, the Management is pleased to inform that your basic salary will be adjusted to RMXXXX per month with effect from 1st February 2007.
In addition, you will be entitled to the 2006 bonus amounting RMXXXX, representing XX month of your basic salary.

We look forward to your full commitement and concerted efforts for better performance results, improved efficiency in order to drive the Company to further growth this year and years to come.
Thank you.
Yours Sincerely,

.................. and i smile..

p/s to be continued

February 15, 2007

a bless in disguise

thou its not a good sign to start a blog with a sad note, but nevermind, i have a happier note at the end.

i was so frustrated last nite when realized that we missed one back pack.. OMG!! masa balik tu we have like 1 very big box, 2 rucksacks, 3 backpacks and 2 traveling bags in cargo and i have my shopping bag and ica's diaper's bag with me on board... so memang kelam kabut..backpack yang tertinggal tu pulak happens tu be beg baju yang dah pakai.. byk gila baju dalam tu, mostly mine and ica's la ..... my undies pon banyak okey!!!!pagi ni call airport they have been passing my call around.. geram betul.. and now im calling the "international lost and found counter".. takde orang jawab pun...

on a happier note plak... pagi ni dapat bonus!!! alhamdulillah.. walaupun ciput but still sape nak bagi kan?? cant wait for tomorrow.. gaji masuk & hopefully ada increment for this year.. amin..

February 7, 2007

my girly girl

arissa is approaching her 15th months.. alhamdulillah.. she's progressing well.. walaupun kadang2 selalu sgt demam.

At this (arissa) tender age, i myself have to behave... or else she would copy and register it in her memory.. like nowadays.. perkataan "tupid" (for stupid) dah melekat kat mulut coz i do "menstupidkan" orang .... driving in KL sometimes can drive me nuts la.. tu pun OK that it was only stupid yang came out from my mouth.. if i were driving alone.. hmmm.. alll #$%^&*&^%$# words sume keluar...

her mulut cumil also dah pandai membebel dan kengkadang melatah... kalau dia tertekan remote tv ke.. mesti dia cakap " alamak" sambil tangan tutup mulut.. so cute...
skg ni pun dia dah pandai nak bermekap & pakai perfume.... aduh,... pening jugak nak layan anak dara sorang ni.. sometime she would do things that you never expect her to do..

yang bestnya.. pantang nampak my handbag mesti dia cepat2 nak selongkar.. bila dia jumpa my make-up pouch.. mula la dia lari untuk selamatkan diri... ( and the pouch).. pastu dia gi lepak at one corner sambil meng-experiment my make-ups...

February 6, 2007



i almost forgot that i have a blog of my own..
seronok pulak dok membaca blog mama irdina & zizie..
been very busy lately that i cant find enuff time to sit and write of whats happening around.

it is sad that my life is soooo limited to work , bizz , arissa and hubby. Thats all. Dah lama tak jumpa kengkawan ... no more late nite the tarik meetings (of course la kan).. rindu nak lepak dengan my abang sheri & (rohi) wan... my bestest buddy since kat itm dulu while abang sheri joined the club masa zaman chambering.

nak buat camana kan... i wanted to spend time with so many people and yet so limited time.. how i wish im not attach to any company.. and working on my own.. bila la boleh nak materialized the dream...