July 20, 2004

what a life..

7.15 a.m
Acik!! bangun!! she shouted at me as usual.
and i yawned...... wargh!!!!!!!! hujan nie.. taknak pegi keje la... but i grabbed my towel, mandi and ready to go at 7.40.
i hate the facts that i have to drive in the morning, and the facts that its raining and im heading to the office and traffics are so unbearable. I hate everything about the road (MRR2 in particular), the fellow road users (those big trucks sucks!)
i must get rid of all this mess. God help me.. but aku baru je join this company last month, 7.6.2004 to be exact. should i leave? the place is good, the pay is also good.. but not the job.. dunno what im doin here.. advising? drafting agreements? errkk... what a life...

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