June 12, 2008

the get together

We had a small gathering last saturday... one of the reason was for a good-bye meet up, since hazziana and kids will be leaving for Abu Dhabi soon....
ironically, this was not only our first sleep-over outing, but also a get together, after about 15years or so.. hopefullly this is not the last.

my girl yang soooooooooooo baik that nite..
siap telefon polis lagi nak report orang lain nakal :P

the mommies and kids

"Pak Musang vol II"
my little girl really enjoyed the story telling sessions by teacher iza.

Iman & Icha having bubble time!

June 10, 2008

Induction Course

This is me during a week induction course in PD Sanctuary, Port Dickson, somewhere in april.
I had great time despite "bad timing" and missed my little girl a lot.
Last but not least.. i was named as the "BEST PARTICIPANT"
.. huhuh.. sungguh terharu!

Good Bye Pedra Branca

Good bye Pedra Branca,
it's not only now that we lost you,
for they had in fact given you away long time ago..

Will we miss you?
for you don't belong to us (anymore?).

Oh, what did they try to prove?
when they fight like no one's business,
flipping the old journals like madness,
when the facts were all written so clear,
that they disowned you... a very long time ago..

Good bye Pedra Branca.
not only now that you belong to them,
for they had taken care of you for so long.

Good bye my Pedra Branca.

June 5, 2008

up and away

My mind, body, strenght, patience and brain are really tested during this 3week course.. cant wait to finish... another 1 day to go.. yayyy!!!

thou i'll definately miss our lovely Mr Lionel, the canadian QC (queen counsel) and the rest of the participants...

p/s : but girls, if i were to work with you guys again, hopefully not in the Corporate Law Reform Committee or neither in your department... noooo.. not my cup of tea!