December 31, 2007

Good Bye 2007

... you'll be remembered as one of the most fruitful year.
 Alhamdulillah. I'm all eager for a brand new year!
Semangat baru.. Azam baru...

Welcome prospect!!


A lil' update ,

- Im working elsewhere for 7 months already
- i have got my 1st bonus from this company, 2nd bonus for this year, and it's 3 months!
- i have got a memo from HR saying that my salary will be increased for another couple of hundreds, and that'd be a 2nd increment also for this year..
- im blessed and thankful!

... and the icing of my cake was when my lil' arissa drew her first apple and banana last nite! Sure will post the pic once i got it snapped.

Cheers everybody, have a good year a head!!