September 17, 2007


Owh..i so need a space for my self..

please.. all i want is to spend a day "uninterrupted" with my girl..
to carefully listen to what she is saying...
to cater to all her needs...
i know you people do love her, but please...

September 14, 2007

almost there

oh ya.. semalam was a succesful day for me..
puasa OK, terawih OK walaupun buat solo kat umah je...
tp dugaan berat jugak.. sebab at times sujud sampai 10mins or so sebab ada orang panjat belakang bontot.. bleh?? she was sembahyang with me.. mula2 ok la.. pastu bila dah lama sangat dia mula la boring...
Masa berdoa she turned to me and wave her pointing finger and shake her head "mummy tanak nangis ye??" .... and i was like "adik... i kissed her + dah nangis la.. "

dan this morning, sempat bangun sahur..yayy!! ica ikut bangun.. aku panaskan lauk je etc.. daddy takmo makan pun... so it was the two of us.. wahh.. cik kak ni pagi2 macam kelaparan je.. pastu siap demand nak air teh lagi...

September 13, 2007


ramadhan datang lagi...
smlm dah missed terawih.. pagi tadi miss sahur.. aduii..
hopefully mlm ni dapat solat terawih..

this yr is my 3rd ramadhan with arissa... mesti seronok nak merayap ke pasar juadah dgn dia.. last year she did not enjoy it... panas kot..
i told her last nite pasal puasa... "tak boleh makan, tak boleh minum, tak boleh nenen, tak boleh susu..." dan tanya dia.."adik nak puasa tak??"
sambil senyum kambing dia cakap "tanak puace.." rasanya dia dah faham kot literally apa makna puasa tu.. sbb byk kali tanya dan sungguh2 dia cakap taknak puasa, nanti adik sakit perut...

at the moment, teringat dekat mak & ayah di kampung... sedih pulak mengingatkan berpuasa dan berbuka berdua macam tu.. usually mak & ayah akan berbuka dan terus ke masjid untuk bersolat.. lepas terawih baru balik...
malam tidur.. bangun pagi sahur dan ke masjid utk solat subuh...

ya Allah.. panjangkanlah umur kedua ibu bapa ku ya Allah... insyaallah in 2-3 years ni aku nak balik kampung.. for mak & ayah.. and for a healthier environment for arissa to grow.. insyaallah

September 12, 2007

Q & A

We celebrated Arissa's 3rd birthday yesterday.

No fancy celebration. Its Ramadhan.

Nevertheless, she had all her request fulfilled.

The super cute pink/purplish bicyle, Creamy Cake with Mr Mickey on it,

and its matching serving plates and the party hat.

She blow the 3 tiny candles with her proud mummy by her side,

and sorrounded by all her favourite peeps - Mama, Atuk, Owa & Cik Din, Aunty Lin, Uda & Aunty Marsha.

I somehow could not believe that she is already 3.

How time flies.

I still remember each and every moment of giving birth to her.

The pain, the labour room, everything.

And i definately wont forget how she looked that morning of Sept 11, 2008 when i whispered

to hear ears "happy birthday sha...."

she smiled. The sweatest smile ever.