August 10, 2004


I received an email from Fariza today. leaving her contact number. i know that it must be something "big" happening that long lost good friend is looking for you. i called her immediately. she said that she has been looking for me.. it was my fault that i didnt inform her of my new number..NO, i thot she has it. I used to have 2 numbers, one are meant for business and nother one for friends but the other handphone gone, so did the number. she told me that she called my previous office to track me and somebody gave her my email.

what a great news that she is already engaged and her wedding is schedule to be on 18/12/2004. WO! it's funny that we "the hu ha hu ha" girls are left far behind... org lain dah sibuk dukung anak... kitorang baru sibuk nak getting engage.. when we were "younger".. kat kolej dulu, we always have someone to date to on weekends.. hihihi.... especially fiza.. slalu buat cite industan kat tasik shah alam...

Fariza or Fiza was my coursemate at Law School. We were also a roomate for one semester (or more?). I had great time with her. i wont forget those long nights.. trying to understand torts, or confusing ourselves with Sinnadurai's ... not to mention Prof Darby's marxism ape ke benda entah..eheheh..

when it comes to makan.. we never missed the free dewan makan food... what with our over packed sahur ration.. midnite maggie meeting...even during exam week, time orang lain takde selera nak makan fiza and i would be the first to be in dining hall for breakfast... especially kalau pagi2 dah ada bau nasik lemak... oh my god.. rindunya nak balik DELIMA
...only if i could turn back time