June 2, 2004

...of leaving

Hari ni aku dah start ambik cuti.
Aku ada 6 hari cuti nak dihabiskan since im leaving..
Oh my God.. im so sad! im so sad!
so goin the office for the last time.

I finally reached office at 4.00p.m.
kemas2 brg & heard my boss shouted all of us to gather in the
interrogation room. We gonna have makan-makan.

well, what to say.. this is the most hated decision i've ever made.
i love my job here, my colleagues, my staff and the best of all is the boss. i have never worked in a place where staff are not gossiping, criticising, condemning the boss but here in Prosecution/Litigation Division of EPF Legal Department.
Tapi apa nak buat.. decision made..

i was still okay when he started his speech.. being sad of losing such a hardworking staff like me (ye ke Encik naim? ehehhe..) but when he started thanking me for being the football team asst manager, and apologizing for failing to get the permanent post for me (and the other 3 of us!), i cant hold my tears back anymore..

when it was turn to say a wor or two.. i barely can speak.
i was crying.... sedih bukan kepalang.. why should i cry? im leaving for a good cause. i was offered a good job with 50% salary increment. the offer was brilliant, none of my friends at uni are now receiving such a whopping pay.. but sometimes money cant buy you happiness..

i know that i will miss the hectic schedule here,those bundles and submissions blues, and i would especially miss those shouting and arguing with the errant employers...

im again would like to thank my former boss en naim, my collegue, ijan, jue, naila, pn nora, my assistant khairul and all staffs at legal department for the sweet memories.